Adamswife’s Weblog

“Morning people should be forced to milk cows.” -J Kellerman in Monster

My First Blog Award

Posted by adamswife on January 22, 2008

Storyteller has bestowed this award on me. WOW!! I made her day and now she has made mine. I am instructed to give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs make me happy or inspire me. I want to give this award to only five people today. I may add others later. In no particular order of importance, but only as they occur to me are these recipients of the “You Make My Day” award. Zazzy is the first as she was first to introduce me to blogging. She has brought me happiness and inspiration for many years. Solomon Broadgets the next award as he has inspired me to gratitude. Thirdly is Christine for her gentle humor, her awesome sweater, and her ‘chakins’. I have to include Momisodes, Sarcastic Mom, andImaginary Binky because they share their beautiful babies and make me laugh each day. As I said five and have done six I will now stop! There are others who I visit every day and who are very deserving of this award. Jientje was stressing over the giving of awards when last I visited her blog so I won’t burden her with another. 😉 I enjoy both of storyteller’s blogs, but she just passed this on to me. You can look at my blogroll and see all the others who I check in with regularly. They are all deserving of recognition. I reserve the right to make further awards at a later time.

Rules: Give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration, making you feel so happy about the Blogosphere. Warning: you may receive this award several times. I hope you do! I’m sure you make the day for others as well.

9 Responses to “My First Blog Award”

  1. Christine said

    Aww…thank you ever so much…you have made my day. I will wait until I get home and see if I can figure out how to pick this award up. I am not confidant on how to do this and I don’t think I will try on the hospital computor. Sometimes it won’t let me go back pages and it all gets kind of messy.

  2. adamswife said

    Right click on the award, choose “copy image,” and then paste it into your blog. And you are very welcome. Hope everything is going well for hubby and you. Sorry about the hospital food. =(

  3. I suspected you’d have fun passing this award along to others. Spreading the love is such fun isn’t it? Have a delightful day with the kids off for a “snow day”! It was raining here when I got up, but it seems to have stopped (at least for the moment).

  4. Thank you so much!!! Your blog and comments all make my day everyday too 🙂 What an honor! I will do my best to get this on my sidebar soon…

  5. Hi there. You are the lucky recipient of the You Made My Day Award. Congratulations. You may pass this award on to 10 other bloggers who make your day.

  6. Thank you so much! How kind of you to think of me.
    🙂 I’ll put it in my “shinies” tab right away!

  7. Zazzy said


    I never thanked you over here! You mean so much to me Eve. How long has it been? 2002 maybe?

    I’m so glad that you’ve gotten into blogging. It’s let you open up in a whole new way. I love getting to know more of you!

  8. Aw, lady. That is too much! Your blog brightens my day.

    *takes the award*
    It’s mine, I tell you! All mine!

  9. sandrar said

    Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.

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